Use TailwindCSS with Gatsby (with Emotion or styled-components)

Use TailwindCSS with Gatsby (with Emotion or styled-components)

Tailwind CSS
Feb 5, 2020


I was amazed by the stuff one can do using Tailwindcss. I watched in awe the live streams of Adam Wathan (creator of tailwindcss) where he used to build various layouts using tailwindcss, without using any custom CSS.
Not being a great designer by myself, I decided to give TailwindCSS a try. Being a React developer, I wanted to try tailwind with React.
Then, I was starting with a Gatsbysite, I thought why not use tailwind with this. I also wanted to use it with a CSS-in -JS solution like Emotionor styled-components being a big fan of CSS-in-JS. I googled a lot, tried different starters and here I am with what I can tell the β€œbest πŸ‘Œβ€ way to use TailwindCSS with Gatsby along with CSS-in-JS solutions like Emotion or styled-components.

Steps to get the perfect πŸ‘Œcombo:

  • Run the following command on your terminal to get a default Gatsby site up and running.
npx gatsby new your-gatsby-site
  • Run gatsby develop on your terminal to open your site on port 8000 (default). You can view your site with live reload (updates site as you edit and save code).
# Install Tailwind:
npm install tailwindcss --save-dev

# Generate Tailwind config:
npx tailwind init
Now you can use tailwind classes in your project using className attribute. But to use CSS-in-JS magic and styled components pattern, follow the below steps.
  • Now install Emotion packages, tailwind-micro, gatsby-plugin-postcss, postcss-preset-env, postcss-import, stylelint:
npm i @emotion/core @emotion/styled tailwind.macro@next gatsby-plugin-postcss 
postcss-import postcss-preset-env
# We are installing the 'next' version of tailwind micro so as to use 
# TailwindCSS 1.0.0+
# For older versions of TailwindCSS, just install 'tailwind.macro'
  • Create a file postcss.config.js in the root of your project with the following content:
module.exports = {
  plugins: [require("postcss-import")({
    plugins: [require("stylelint")],
  }), require("tailwindcss")("./tailwind.config.js"), 
    autoprefixer: {
      grid: true
    features: {
      "nesting-rules": true,
    browsers: ["> 1%", "last 2 versions", "Firefox ESR"],
  }), ],
  • Add gatsby-plugin-postcss and gatsby-plugin-emotion to your gatsby-config.js file:
plugins: [
      resolve: `gatsby-plugin-postcss`,
      options: {
        // Accepts all options defined by `gatsby-plugin-postcss` plugin.
      resolve: `gatsby-plugin-emotion`,
      options: {
        // Accepts all options defined by `babel-plugin-emotion` plugin.
  • Restart Gatsby dev server using Ctrl+C and again running gatsby develop . Now our gatsby site knows about the plugins we have installed.
  • To use default Tailwind base styles and utilities styles, create a globals.css file. I like to keep it in src/styles/globals.css :
@tailwind base;
@tailwind utilities;
  • Now to use the globals.css styles, we import it in the gatsby-browser.js file in our root directory:
// Edit the path to where you have kept the globals.css file
import "./src/styles/globals.css";
  • Restart Gatsby dev server using Ctrl+C and again running gatsby develop .

Usage πŸ’»

Finally, we are done with all installation and configuration. Whew! We can now use the tailwind classes quite easily in our components in 3 ways:
a. Using tailwind classes directly in markup:
import React from "react";
import tw from "tailwind.macro";

const MyComponent = (
  <h4 css={tw`font-semibold text-lg leading-snug truncate`}>
		This is Soumya

export default MyComponent;
Here, the tailwind classes font-semibold, text-lg, leading-snug, truncate will be applied to h4 tag.
b. Using styled components pattern:
import React from "react";
import tw from "tailwind.macro";

const MyComponent = tw.div`

export default MyComponent;
c.Β In case you want to apply custom CSS along with some TailwindCSS properties:
import React from "react";
import tw from "tailwind.macro";
import styled from "@emotion/styled";

const MyComponent = styled.div`
  height: 409px;
  img {
    height: 265px;
    object-fit: cover;
    object-position: center;

export default MyComponent;
Tip: To quickly refer Tailwind classes, use TailwindCSS cheatsheet πŸ“.
That’s it! Congratulations! πŸŽ‰ You have successfully setup a Gatsby site that uses TailwindCSS along with Emotion.
Suggestions and comments are welcome!

Happy Coding! πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»

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