Functions - Built in

  • Function allows us to group together multiple statements, take in some values, perform some operations and return some value.
  • Functions take in data known as arguments.
  • Function may or may not return a value.
  • Example:
    • Math.max(10, 12); // 12
      The above line is a JavaScript statement.
      10 and 12 passed to the function are arguments, separated by comma.
      12 is returned from the function.
  • There are many in-built JavaScript functions.
    • e.g:
    • console.log('hey'); returns undefined , logs hey.
    • parseFloat('2.032565') // 2.032565 (converts string to number)
    • parseInt('2.032565') // 2 (converts string to number as integer)
    • Many date functions are also present. e.g. returns no. of milliseconds since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC.
    • DOM functions:
      • Example:
        • <body>
          <p>Hey How ya doin?</p>
          		const para = document.querySelector('p'); // finds p tag in page
          		console.log(para); // <p>Hey How ya doin?</p>
      • Mobile only functions e.g. navigator.vibrate()
  • In case of doubts, always refer MDN Docs.
  • Other Examples:
    • scrollTo(0, 200); // scrolls to (x, y) position in page
      	top: 500,
      	left: 0,
      	behavior: 'smooth'
      }); // scrolls to position top: 500, left: 0 in a 'smooth' manner
      The scrollTo function returns undefined.